Check out the many ways you can help to make the expo even more awesome! We're always adding new ways to help, so check here often!
Calendar ViewHelp us get ready to welcome all of our fans, friends, and fantastic participants! You could be setting up furniture, assembling welcome packets, hanging signs, making goody bags, printing name badges... the sky's the limit!
The Registration and Info desk is the heart and soul of The Great Burlesque Exposition. Be that friendly face that welcomes people to the event, or that knowledgable voice who points them in the right direction.
Operate the sound board during the show. Check levels, ensure microphones have fresh batteries and are on/off when they should be.
Make our performers feel welcome and loved!
Check tickets at the door, help people to the correct section, keep people from shooting video, alert people when show is about to start/intermission is about to end, etc.
Helpful to have an iPhone with the Eventbrite Organizer app
It is very helpful (but not required) for you also to be able to attend the rehearsals earlier in the evening.
The Lighting Assistant works with the LD, the Board Operator, and the Stage Manager to record all of the lighting details, make sure lighting cues are recorded and hit, and cover anything lighting realted that we've missed.
The shift is scheduled from Doors open (7:30pm) until half an hour after the show is scheduled to end, but you're likely done when the show is over.
Design looks and manage lighting cues for performers
Take fabulous phots of beautiful people and beautiful photos of fabulous people!
Go-go dancers entertain before, during, and (sometimes) after the show. Go-go dancers may collect tips and the audience is encouraged to tip them.
Go-go performers of all genders, sexes, body types, levels of experience, and styles are encouraged to apply.
It is very helpful (but not necessary) for you to attend the rehearsals earlier in the evening.
Report to the stage manager, Stage Crew is responsible for clearing or catching costumes, setting and clearing props and set pieces, and are sometimes called upon to hand or collect an item or costume piece on cue.
Work the Follow Spot for the show. It is help[ful but not necessary to attend rehearsals earlier in the evening.
Join Betty Blaize in her heroic vision inspired by the opening credits of everyone's favorite dancing super-hero, The Peacemaker. This is a group striptease which uses "Do You Wanna Taste It" by Wig Wam, and is inspired at least as much by their awful, awful music video as it is by the Peacemaker opening credits.
Rehearsals will be Sunday evenings (7:00pm or 7:30pm) starting March 19 at The Asylum Co-Lab at Faneuil Hall in Boston. You must be able to attend most of these rehearsals if you want to be in the performance.
Rehearsals are
with a last rehearsal on Thursday, May 4 at 7:00pm and a performance at 8:00 p.m. the same night.
It is helpful (but not necessary) to attend rehearsals earlier in the evening
Go-go dancers entertain before, during, and (sometimes) after the show. Go-go dancers may collect tips and the audience is encouraged to tip them.
Go-go performers of all genders, sexes, body types, levels of experience, and styles are encouraged to apply.
Smile! Greet people! Check them in!
Set the chairs, tables, and staging for the Burlesk Bordello. It helps if you can comfortably lift 25 pounds. No special skills required, but if you have some experience setting up lights or sound, let us know!
Conference helpers
As most classes are grouped together, this is a great position for someone with limited mobility. If you know anything about connecting projectors to laptops or phones, it's a bonus. People you dopn't know may be asking you questions and yu may need to be a little assertive telling teachers their class is almost over.
Check tickets at the door, help people to the correct section, keep people from shooting video, alert people when show is about to start/intermission is about to end, etc.
Helpful to have an iPhone with the Eventbrite Organizer app
Make our performers feel welcome and loved!
Operate the sound board during the show. Check levels, ensure microphones have fresh batteries and are on/off when they should be.
Go-go dancers entertain before, during, and (sometimes) after the show. Go-go dancers may collect tips and the audience is encouraged to tip them.
Go-go performers of all genders, sexes, body types, levels of experience, and styles are encouraged to apply.
Take fabulous phots of beautiful people and beautiful photos of fabulous people!
Take fabulous phots of beautiful people and beautiful photos of fabulous people!
The Lighting Assistant works with the LD, the Board Operator, and the Stage Manager to record all of the lighting details, make sure lighting cues are recorded and hit, and cover anything lighting realted that we've missed.
Work the Follow Spot for the show
Play interstitial music and music for go-go dancers.
Push "Play" on cue. A familiarity with iTunes (Apple Music) or Go Button is really helpful.
Make our performers feel welcome and loved!
Operate the sound board during the show. Check levels, ensure microphones have fresh batteries and are on/off when they should be.
Play interstitial music and music for go-go dancers.
Push "Play" on cue. A familiarity with iTunes (Apple Music) or Go Button is really helpful.
Work the Follow Spot for the show
Check tickets at the door, help people to the correct section, keep people from shooting video, alert people when show is about to start/intermission is about to end, etc.
Helpful to have an iPhone with the Eventbrite Organizer app
The Lighting Assistant works with the LD, the Board Operator, and the Stage Manager to record all of the lighting details, make sure lighting cues are recorded and hit, and cover anything lighting realted that we've missed.
Go-go dancers entertain before, during, and (sometimes) after the show. Go-go dancers may collect tips and the audience is encouraged to tip them.
Go-go performers of all genders, sexes, body types, levels of experience, and styles are encouraged to apply.
Move tables and chairs to get things ready for vendors. You should be able to move 25 lbs without difficulty
Conference helpers
As most classes are grouped together, this is a great position for someone with limited mobility. If you know anything about connecting projectors to laptops or phones, it's a bonus. People you dopn't know may be asking you questions and yu may need to be a little assertive telling teachers their class is almost over.
Immortalize our fabulous event in pixels! All levels of experience are welcome.
Swap meet volunteers make sure that each item is labeled property, are a friendly face at the table, keep the items looking nice and neat during the Swap Meet, and pack up the leftovers at the end of the time. Participants have the option of comiong and collecting unswapped items at the end, but anything left behind will be donated to a local charity.
Conference helpers
As most classes are grouped together, this is a great position for someone with limited mobility. If you know anything about connecting projectors to laptops or phones, it's a bonus. People you dopn't know may be asking you questions and yu may need to be a little assertive telling teachers their class is almost over.
Conference helpers
As most classes are grouped together, this is a great position for someone with limited mobility. If you know anything about connecting projectors to laptops or phones, it's a bonus. People you dopn't know may be asking you questions and yu may need to be a little assertive telling teachers their class is almost over.
Support the performers in the dressing room. Lay out snacks pre-show, maintain calm, play soothing music, be the keeper of the emergency kit, and an extra set of hands to those who need it.
Join the all-star crew that will perform in the opening number of The Main Event. Choreographer Eva Jansen has created a burlesque spectacle worthy of kicking off our grand evening of performances!
Rehearsals will be Sunday evenings (7:00pm or 7:30pm) starting March 19 at The Asylum Co-Lab at Faneuil Hall in Boston. You must be able to attend most of these rehearsals if you want to be in the performance.
Rehearsals are
with a last rehearsal on Saturday, May 6 (time TBD) and a performance at the start of The Main Event later on that evening. Costuming is the responsibility of the dancers, but it shouldn’t be anything too weird, complicated, or expensive.
Please Note: if you have been cast in either portion of the Main Event, you cannot be in the opening number. We really appreciate you, but go volunteer somewhere else ;-)
Take fabulous phots of beautiful people and beautiful photos of fabulous people!
Help manage ushers and go-between the Front Desk and the Stage Manager
Manage slide and video projections during shows
Be friendly, check tickets, seat people.
Go-go dancers entertain before, during, and (sometimes) after the show. Go-go dancers may collect tips and the audience is encouraged to tip them.
Go-go performers of all genders, sexes, body types, levels of experience, and styles are encouraged to apply.
Manage the soiund board
Play music on cue. Experience with QLab or iTunes is nice, but not necessary.
Program scenes, operate lighting board
Man Follow-spot. No experience necessary, but it's nice.
Man video camera(s) during shows
Place props where they need to go, collect props and costumes at the end of acts.
Assist senior board op and LD
Allow people into Vendor Hall; Betty's Birthday Brunch. Have fun!
Help set-up, keep things looking nice, and clean-up. You get to eat too!
Monitor access to vendor hall.
Help with cleanup and tear-down of Registration desk.
Help get vendors out